The History
More than 10,000 young men and women have graduated from Saint Elizabeth High School since it was founded in 1921 by the Franciscan Friars of the Province of Santa Barbara with the assistance of the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. The school building that now stands was completed in 1924 and housed both the elementary school and the high school until 1958 when the present elementary site was erected. Parish economic support decreased over time and was entirely phased out by 1960. Ownership of the high school eventually passed from the parish to the Diocese of Oakland in 1983.
In August of 1982, the Marist Brothers assigned several Brothers as faculty members, remaining at Saint Elizabeth until June of 1996. On June 15, 1984, Saint Elizabeth High School was named an Exemplary Private High School by the United States Department of Education, one of 60 throughout the country.
Saint Elizabeth High School was offically closed in the spring of 2017. The great legacy of alumni continue to keep the community alive and strong. Visit the Alumni facebook page to reach out to this community or contact the alumni office to learn about upcoming alumni events.