With our Lasallian Core Principles in mind we aim to promote a set of guiding behaviors and agreements to support the creation and maintenance of a meaningful and healthy school climate. Our Lasallian Core Principles include (1) Faith in the Presence of God; (2) Quality Education; (3) Concern for the Economically Marginalized and for Social Justice; (4) Respect for All Persons; and, (5) Inclusive Community.
Building community is a process that takes time and commitment. Administration, teachers, staff, families, and students must work together to create and maintain a school environment where everyone feels supported, respected and appreciated.
Restorative practices are used as a framework for building community through authentic dialogue, creation of shared understanding and righting all harm. Relationship building activities that are core to all restorative practices include cultivating empathy while also strengthening social and emotional skills. Examples of these relationship building activities include school-wide assemblies, community circles, parent and family engagement, the school-wide use of affective statements and questions
School-Wide Assemblies
Regularly scheduled school wide assemblies will be held to provide opportunities for students to build positive school climate through celebration of student and staff accomplishments. These assemblies will also provide opportunities for discussion of school wide discussion.
Community Circles
Large circles are held to support relationship building and to support the resolution of conflicts that affect larger groups of students and staff. Circles are also used to create a safe space for individual introduction into the school community.
Parent and Family Engagement
Parent and Family involvement is a key component to the community building process. We regularly schedule family workshops and host social events for family members to insure that parents are also engaged in the community creation process.
School-wide use of Affective Statements and Questions
Affective statements address the behavior directly while still maintaining a positive relationship. Affective questions focus on addressing the problem at hand without conveying feelings of judgment.
We also employ a multi-tier graduated discipline system which gives our students opportunities to learn from past mistakes while maintaining their dignity and the dignity of others through restoration from harm.
Tier One
Community building tier; activities in this tier are for all students to support community building and overall positive school climate.
Tier Two
Harm restoration tier; activities, such as mediations, are used in this tier to address and restore positive school climate. This tier is also intended to prevent future harm through the use of harm circles.
Tier Three
Re-entry tier; for students who have spent time away from school, re-entry circles are times to reconnect to school expectations and be welcomed back into the school community. Tier three reentry circles are also used to support new student’s transition into Cristo Rey De La Salle HS.